test Theatre Training - ileadership
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Theatre training

Theatre training, or Corporate theatre, is always more used because, thanks to its easiness and its infinite possibilities of expression, it lets create imaginary characters and situations that can help to unravel tensions inside the group. From guided improvisation to cabaret sketch to representation of a scene or a photonovel, theatre training is always emotionally captivating and lets discover unknown sides of the colleagues.


Why does Theatre training work?

It’s particularly engaging from a personal point of view, because it works on the group by operating on physical, emotional and mental level. Participants will observe themselves dealing with situations and circumstances that will reveal details and personalities usually hidden. Theatrical fiction can sometimes pass hard messages in an easy way and concentrate emotions in unique moments. It becomes a moment for experimentation, when everybody can leave behind his usual role.

Given the flexibility and the large amount of potential applications, this kind of activity can be used in many contest. The time of the operation can be more or less long, and this experiential training can have a comical or a dramatical style. It’s particularly fit for groups that have inside them ‘histrionic’ characters, who will easily start the activity.